Sailor's Shikiori ("Four Seasons") line of fountain pen inks features 20 vibrant and unique colours inspired by the beauty of each season in Japan. This smooth-flowing ink is specifically formulated...
The Shikiori Sansui Kamoshika is a 20ml square glass bottle of Sailor fountain pen ink. Symbolizing the serene wisdom of the forest’s philosopher, the serow, Kamoshika embodies the calm poise...
The Sailor Shikiori Ink Cartridge Doyou is a pack of 3 fountain pen ink cartridges. Doyou is a beautiful dark brown color. These proprietary cartridges fit all Sailor cartridge/converter fountain...
The Sailor Shikiori Sansui Ink Cartridge Kamoshika is a pack of 3 fountain pen ink cartridges. This collection is inspired by the serene beauty of nature and the changing seasons,...
The Sailor Fountain Pen Standard Ink Converter is a proprietary converter for Sailor Fountain Pens. This replacement chrome-accented converter allows you to fill your Sailor cartridge pen from bottled fountain...
Sailor Ink Studio #273 fountain pen ink is a muted, warm shade of brown that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100 dye-based colors. Sailor Ink...
Sailor Ink Studio #280 fountain pen ink is a muted, warm shade of brown with green undertones that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100 dye-based...
Sailor Ink Studio #373 fountain pen ink is a muted, medium shade of brown that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100 dye-based colors. Sailor Ink...
Sailor Ink Studio #573 fountain pen ink is a warm shade of brown-leaning orange that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100 dye-based colors. Sailor Ink...
Sailor Ink Studio #673 fountain pen ink is a warm shade of medium brown that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100 dye-based colors. Sailor Ink...
Sailor Ink Studio #680 fountain pen ink is a dark shade of brown that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100 dye-based colors. Sailor Ink Studio...
Sailor Ink Studio #683 fountain pen ink is a dark shade of burgundy that leans heavily toward brown that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100...
Sailor Ink Studio #873 fountain pen ink is a warm shade of red that leans toward orange that comes from the Ink Studio Collection which consists of over 100 dye-based...
The Yurameku Kitsunebiyori is a 20ml square glass bottle of Sailor fountain pen ink. Sailor's Yurameku fountain pen ink collection features soft, muted colors with shading capabilities, inspired by the...
The Sailor Yurameku inks feature soft, mysterious colors that defy easy description. They can shift between two or three different hues as they dry, leaving behind a dreamlike ribbon of...