The Sailor Tuzu Adjust Black Fountain Pen is a premium writing instrument known for its exceptional craftsmanship and smooth writing experience. Sailor is a renowned Japanese brand, celebrated for its...
The Sailor Tuzu Grey Roller Ball Pen is known for its smooth writing experience and elegant design. It typically features a precious Grey resin body with a comfortable grip, making...
The Sailor Tuzu Black Roller Ball Pen is known for its smooth writing experience and elegant design. It typically features a precious black resin body with a comfortable grip, making...
The Sailor Tuzu Red Roller Ball Pen is known for its smooth writing experience and elegant design. It typically features a precious Red resin body with a comfortable grip, making...
The Sailor Tuzu Green Roller Ball Pen is known for its smooth writing experience and elegant design. It typically features a precious Green resin body with a comfortable grip, making...